Foundation for
The Foundation For Disabled Youths (FFDY) is a grassroots non-profit organization established in June 2004 in the San Gabriel, California area. The organization was officially formed by parents and other concerned individuals of disabled youths with the purpose of providing services and programs for the intellectually/developmentally delayed community.
The Foundation For Disabled Youths (FFDY) is a grassroots non-profit organization established in June 2004 in the San Gabriel, California area. The organization was officially formed by parents and other concerned individuals of disabled youths in providing services and programs for the intellectually/developmentally delayed community.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a platform for the intellectual/developmentally delayed (I/DD) community to thrive, to live their best possible lives and for their families to have access to resources and services.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to develop and maintain programs to serve this population. Programs such as social recreation activities and job skill training that will enable them to be contributory members of our society.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide a platform for the intellectual/developmentally delayed (I/DD) community to thrive, to live their best possible lives and for their families to have access to resources and services.
Vision Statement
Our vision is to develop and maintain programs to serve this population. Programs such as social recreation activities and job skill training that will enable them to be contributory members of our society.
Program Schedule